#FightLikeHell for voter rights!

Exclusive Song TODAY ONLY and Support Voter Rights


Voting is, like, the absolute minimum you should be doing politically, right?

I feel like that’s pretty much a non-partisan agreement. Everyone should be voting.

The truth is, a lot of people are NOT voting. Some of that is because they don’t know what’s up. Some of them are being prevented from voting by “the powers that be.”

Today, Bandcamp is doing a promotion where they donate 100% of their cut of any sales to protect voting rights for all.

You can read more about that here: https://daily.bandcamp.com/2018/09/25/bandcamp-vot…

I, too, will donate 100% of my Bandcamp sales for today to the same Voting Rights Project.

You can check out all of my released music at here.

But, I’m also going to release an exclusive track that will be released only for the #FightLikeHell campaign.

I’ve got an mp3, ogg, and flac version all zipped up and ready to go. All you need to do is buy an album of mine on Bandcamp and then email me and I’ll send you a link to download the exclusive DRM free song.

That’s all I’ve got for ya today. Have a great weekend!



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